Friday, July 31, 2009

[IWS] Eurobarometer SPECIAL SURVEY--EUROPEANS in 2009 [31 July 2009]

IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

EUROPA - Public Opinion analysis - Eurobarometer Special Surveys

THE EUROPEANS IN 2009 [31 July 2009]
[full-text, 144 pages]



The newest results show that the 'feel-bad factor' is so intense that one of the most
resilient indicators of the Eurobarometer - life satisfaction - is beginning to show
cracks. Furthermore, the survey indicates that the economic crisis may be widening
the geographical gap in living standards between the Northern and Western
European countries and those in the South and East of Europe survey. Already
vulnerable groups - in particular the unemployed - are most strongly hit by the
crisis. In summary, the economic crisis has an extreme impact on life in the
European Union.

Table of contents
PART I:.............................................................................................................7
LIFE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION ........................................................................7
I. LIFE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION ..............................................................8
1. PERSONAL ASPECTS........................................................................9
1.1 The current personal situation of Europeans ...................................9
1.2 Assessment of the personal financial situation ..............................18
1.3 Expectations for the short-term future ..........................................34
1.4 Personal concerns of Europeans....................................................37
2. ECONOMIC ASPECTS......................................................................42
2.1 Assessment of the current situation ..............................................42
2.2 Expectations for the short-term future ..........................................51
2.3 Most important national concerns .................................................58
2.4 Direction in which things are going ...............................................66
2.5 Priority actions to help overcome the economic crisis....................72
2.6 The role of the EU in the global economic crisis .............................75

PART II: .........................................................................................................83
THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITS CITIZENS .....................................................83
II. THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITS CITIZENS ...........................................84
1. ATTACHMENT TO THE EUROPEAN UNION.......................................85
1.1 Support for membership of the European Union ............................85
1.2 The perceived benefits of membership ..........................................89
1.3 Trust in the European Union..........................................................94
1.4 The image of the European Union..................................................98
2. THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS ...................................................102
2.1 The European Parliament ............................................................102
2.2 The European Commission ..........................................................107
2.3 The European Central Bank .........................................................111

3. THE EUROPEAN UNION TODAY AND TOMORROW.........................115
3.1 The perception of the European Union's role at national level......115
3.2 Important aspects for strengthening the EU in the future............122
3.3 The life of future generations ......................................................126
4. INFORMATION AND MEDIA .........................................................129
4.1 Trust in information media ..........................................................129
4.2 Preferred information media for political matters........................133
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................141

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Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
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New York, NY 10016                        
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