Tuesday, April 28, 2009

[IWS] ILR Press/EPI: THE STATE OF WORKING AMERICA 2008/2009 [April 2009]

IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

ILR Press (an imprint of Cornell University Press)
An Economic Policy Institute Book
THE STATE OF WORKING AMERICA, 2008/2009 [April 2009]
Lawrence Mishel; Jared Bernstein; Heidi Shierholz

$24.95t paper
2009, 440 pages, 6 x 9, 99 charts/graphs, 186 tables
ISBN: 978-0-8014-7477-4

$59.95x cloth
2009, 440 pages, 6 x 9, 99 charts/graphs, 186 tables
ISBN: 978-0-8014-4754-9

Praise for previous editions of The State of Working America:

"The State of Working America remains unrivaled as the most-trusted source for a comprehensive understanding of how working Americans and their families are faring in today's economy."—Robert B. Reich

"It is the inequality of wealth, argue the authors, rather than new technology (as some would have it), that is responsible for the failure of America's workplace to keep pace with the country's economic growth. The State of Working America is a well-written, soundly argued, and important reference book."—Library Journal

"If you want to know what happened to the economic well-being of the average American in the past decade or so, this is the book for you. It should be required reading for Americans of all political persuasions."—Richard Freeman, Harvard University

"A truly comprehensive and useful book that provides a reality check on loose statements about U.S. labor markets. It should be cheered by all Americans who earn their living from work."—William Wolman, former chief economist, CNBC's Business Week

"The State of Working America provides very valuable factual and analytic material on the economic conditions of American workers. It is the very best source of information on this important subject."—Ray Marshall, University of Texas, former U.S. Secretary of Labor

"An indispensable work . . . on family income, wages, taxes, employment, and the distribution of wealth."—Simon Head, The New York Review of Books

"No matter what political camp you're in, this is the single most valuable book I know of about the state of America, period. It is the most referenced, most influential resource book of its kind."—Jeff Madrick, author of The End of Affluence

"This book is the single best yardstick for measuring whether or not our economic policies are doing enough to ensure that our economy can, once again, grow for everybody."-Richard A. Gephardt

"The best place to review the latest developments in changes in the distribution of income and wealth."-Lester Thurow

The State of Working America, prepared biennially since 1988 by the Economic Policy Institute, includes a wide variety of data on family incomes, wages, taxes, unemployment, wealth, and poverty-data that enable the authors to closely examine the effect of the economy on the living standards of the American people. This edition, like the previous ones, exposes and analyzes the most recent and critical trends in the country.

About the Author
Lawrence Mishel is the president of the Economic Policy Institute and was the research director from 1987 to 1999. He is the coauthor of the previous versions of The State of Working America and of The Myth of the Coming Labor Shortage and coeditor of Unions and Economic Competitiveness. Jared Bernstein is the director of the Living Standards Program and senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute. He is the author of Crunch: Why Do I Feel So Squeezed? and coauthor of seven previous editions of The State of Working America. Heidi Shierholz is an economist at the Economic Policy Institute.

This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       
E-mail: smb6@cornell.edu                  

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